

Barcelona Ramblas

Ramblas Barcelona

RamblasThe Ramblas is Barcelona's main road for every possible activity of the city. Surrounded by beautiful palm trees, the nearly 1,5 km long ramblas road connects the Placa de Catalunya with the Placa Portal de la Pau at the harbor. Alongside hundreds of little stands and shops the ramblas to me is the place where you can buy nearly everything.

Ramblas divided into four areas

What looks at first hand as one ramblas is actually a combined street of different sections. Starting with the ramblas de canaletes where newspaper stands sell everything from international and national press up to post cards, it leads to the ramblas de les flors where little flower booth dominate the scene. The ramblas dels Ocells follow it with stand where animals (mostly birds) are sold. Finally the ramblas de Santa Monica which lead to the harbor area, small hand-made jewelry stands sum it all up.

Bars and Restaurants along the Ramblas

On both sides of the ramblas you will find many bars and restaurants to have a break or even an extensive evening dinner. Most of these bars offer the famous tapas - little snacks which go along very well with a little drink. You should try them.

Artists at the Ramblas

Particularly during summer time the ramblas are the heart of Barcelona. Artists and musicians from all over the world transform the ramblas of to a big "open air" theater. This makes the ramblas so special.





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